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2018 (3)
Nordic Payments
Rune Sørensen

Rune Sørensen

Product Manager at Nets A/S
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Bio Product Manager at Nets A/S working with Product Development of services delivered to card issuers. I am passionate about creating simple and secure solutions in benefit of our customers and their customers - the consumers. Career History I hold a Masters degree in Strategic Market Creation from Copenhagen Business School. My professional background is in in publishing, marketing and banking.


Digital Banking Trends

Payment Cards on the Table: is your Infrastructure up to the Challenge?

05 Dec 2018

The introduction of new payment types has created a greater need for a strong, flexible card infrastructure than ever before. That’s easy for issuers to lose sight of; mobile services are new, exciting and backed by demonstrable customer demand. Fundamentally, however, mobile services rely heavily on card payments. All this innovation is pushing ...


Convenience vs Security in Ecommerce Payments: How Everyone Can Win

29 Aug 2018

In 2018, banks and retailers are dealing with a new breed of customer: one that expects a fast, seamless online payment experience. When it comes to ecommerce, however, user experience isn’t the only consideration. As the number of card-not-present (CNP) purchases continue to increase, so do the security risks. How can banks and merchants contin...

Innovation in Financial Services

Why the Nordic Banks Outsource Card Processing

16 Jul 2018

The Nordic countries constitute the most advanced and digitally ready payment market in Europe, and one of the most advanced in the world[1]. The penetration of card, contactless card and mobile payments is high, and the race to be the world’s first cashless country is essentially a competition between Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. One of t...